Sadhu - An Artist's Journal

Sadhu - An Artist's Journal

Ordinarie pris
935 kr
935 kr
Ordinarie pris
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Sadhu - An Artist's Journal 

by Arne Pjedsted Salomonsen

Portraits of Wandering Holy Men and Women (Beggar Monks)
Drawn during 45 years of residence in India. The text, portraits, sketches, and watercolors take you to small temple villages in the jungle and by the sea, up into the mountains, to a meeting at the cremation grounds, and to life on the steps along the Ganges River.
Excerpt from the book:
The hands move up over his head. He turns around like an animal going to drink, not like someone washing himself. I get one more glimpse, as I crawl around him. I almost slip into the water.

Portrætter af omvandrende hellige mænd og kvinder (tiggermunke) tegnet under 45 års ophold i Indien. Teksten, portrætterne, skitser og akvareller tager dig med til små tempel landsbyer i junglen og ved havet - op i bjergene - til et møde på ligbrænding pladsen og til livet på trapperne langs Ganges floden.